Saturday, April 30, 2022


another Welshie in the neighborhood - that makes 5!!   This is Bolts with Buttercup - she's a one year old petite sweetie.  We were surprised that 9 year old Bolts didn't get annoyed with her, but he was fairly polite, ha ha


Friday, April 29, 2022

Peckerhead visit!

Our friend Troy was in FL watching his son play baseball.  On one of the off days, he came to visit.  Of course had to take him to some car shops :)

Then lunch on the water

the town was getting ready for it's annual boat show, so there were some crazy ones on display already

such a fun afternoon - thanks for visiting!

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Staying healthy!

our morning workouts are still going strong!  And I finally went to a chiropractor about my lower back pain.  It's been helping, so that's good!  Arthritis will never go away, but he realigned my pelvis, so I feel much better
leaning over puzzles probably didn't help it - but our puzzle days are behind us for a while :)
we're enjoying the pool
taking naps
and working up a sweat!

 Now I just need to revitalize my diet!  It's pretty good, but I do love my sweets :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Farmers Market - still going strong!

It will probably be our last visit - but we're still finding good things at the market!  The German baker is Yummy, and I found a fun new hand painted visor


Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Monday, April 25, 2022

Picking up the race car!

we rented a pickup truck and went to pick up the race car - it was finished!

we hit some rain on the way home  - oh well.  The race car was pretty dirty from being in the shop, so rain wasn't going to hurt it
while we had the pickup, we stopped at Home Depot & Picked up some insulation - it's nice to have a truck!!


Saturday, April 23, 2022

Fun day!

Bolts likes playing in the sprinkler  - he may be 9, but he's still got some puppy in him~
Coffee shop in the Mennonite village - it was pretty good!  Then it was time to work, although Bolts didn't want to miss out on the 'fun' eithr
Then it was lunch with Mom's friend

Great salads!


Friday, April 22, 2022

Easter fun

Early church service, then we went to my cousins for Easter brunch.  They have a big family and it keeps growing ,so it's fun to see everyone

Here are some of the little ones, ready for the easter egg hunt.  My cousin Jill must have spread out 300 eggs for them!
George, already tired :)

The adults watched and helped point out where some of the eggs were

They have a pond in their backyard (it's quite low these days), and they've had a visiting alligator that just won't leave.  They have tried to remove it once, and they did remove it about a week before Easter, and it must be happy with it's new home, as it hasn't returned.

Above - the removal of the gator.  They have too many little ones running around to have it stay.  I don't blame them!

Our final arrivals - Baby Easton - just learning to walk

Fun day - it was so nice to see everyone.  A few were missing, but hopefully we'll see them soon.