Friday, April 1, 2022

BVI Trip - Day 8 (our last day at sea)

early morning start to our last full day on the boat!  We went ashore for a nice walk & breakfast

Chris & I climbed this crazy steep hill!
we didn't go all the way to the top, since there were some goats hanging around, and it was probably a private road.  I would never feel comfortable going up & down this hill in a vehicle - no way!

the views were pretty nice though!

we walked around the town for a bit & then had breakfast

then it was time to move on to our final destination - Peters Island

(we saw a lot of sailboats without masts, or booms, or... that probably were wrecked in the hurricane & were being repaired (or abandoned))

Peter's Island

one of our best days - lots of relaxing and snorkeling.  We all made the most of it!

we had dinner reservations at the resort (Oceans 7 Yacht Club), but we had appetizers on the boat beforehand
dinner - the only structure on this part of the island

we did a lot of dinghy rides this past week - and no one fell in :)

the club had a nice little pool - probably very refreshing on a hot sunny afternoon
it was quiet - about 5-7 tables were filled

back on the boat - we wrote down our itinerary - we all needed help remembering all that we had done!!


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