Saturday, April 16, 2022

Fly High Peggie!

It's hard to believe that our good friend has passed away.  She was one of my healthiest friends - from diet to exercise to mental acuity, so it is definitely a tragedy.    We've become pretty good friends over the last couple of years - from sailing to strength workouts, to runs to craft days, to dinners, to visits in the Florida Keys and camping at Daytona.  Hopefully we'll continue our fun adventures with her husband Tom
Peggie & Tom were supposed to join us on our BVI trip, but she hadn't been feeling well  - tired &  anemic.  She had finally  been diagnosed (after many months of tests) to having inflamed blood vessels (vasculitis), and was on medicine to help her defeat it.  Unfortunately, she had a stroke and never recovered.  Heaven has gained an amazing angel - until we meet again...

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