Friday, April 22, 2022

Easter fun

Early church service, then we went to my cousins for Easter brunch.  They have a big family and it keeps growing ,so it's fun to see everyone

Here are some of the little ones, ready for the easter egg hunt.  My cousin Jill must have spread out 300 eggs for them!
George, already tired :)

The adults watched and helped point out where some of the eggs were

They have a pond in their backyard (it's quite low these days), and they've had a visiting alligator that just won't leave.  They have tried to remove it once, and they did remove it about a week before Easter, and it must be happy with it's new home, as it hasn't returned.

Above - the removal of the gator.  They have too many little ones running around to have it stay.  I don't blame them!

Our final arrivals - Baby Easton - just learning to walk

Fun day - it was so nice to see everyone.  A few were missing, but hopefully we'll see them soon.

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