Friday, July 22, 2016

And we're off...

on another long road trip with the Phaeton!  This time we are heading to Canada.  Stay tuned for some great photos (I hope :))

Thursday, July 21, 2016

4th of July Fun!

While I was in IL spending time with my family; Chris was spending time with his!
On the sailboat - enjoying the weather and watching fireworks.
His brother
 Friends, Lisa & Joe also joined them
 They said the sunset was absolutely amazing!
 Father & daughter
 Bristol loves Independence Day!!
 I got back to MA on July 4th - just in time for our friends annual party.  I missed the parade though.
 Later in the week - we went on a nice casual bike ride through our favorite park - Colt State Park
 We managed to sneak in a Red Sox baseball game!
 We took the newlyweds (who are living in Boston now).  It was Jie's first baseball game!

 Red Sox won!!
 And we topped the week off with a car show!  We haven't been to this show since 2006!  It's a good one - we are just usually doing something else.
 The threat of rain kept a lot of cars away.  But it was still an enjoyable outing.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Wedding reception!!

I headed home over Independence Day to attend my nephews wedding reception.
He and his wife were married a few months ago in a simple ceremony.  My sister wanted to give them a little celebration - and this was the only weekend that would work!  Everyone is so busy :)
It was a casual affair - but turned out beautiful.  My nephew is still in college - getting his masters and his wife just started a job in Boston.

 Yum - cake!!!
 Waiting for dinner :)
 Me & Mom
 My nephew and his wife
 The Dad giving the toast!
 Cutting the cake (it was so good!!)
 A perfect crowd
 Pink flowers!!
 My brother and his wife
 The parents
 My niece and her boyfriend
 And the newlyweds :) It was such a nice weekend.  I'm glad I was able to fly back and attend.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Summer fun!

 Back to our usual - Thursday winery fun.  Bolts met a half brother.  We had met this gentleman last year, and he really liked Bolts, so he went to our breeder and got one for himself :)  Neat!
 Another beautiful evening!

And we've also been spending more time in Bristol.  They have a concert series that starts a couple weeks before July 4th.  An outdoor concert every night!

 The Navy Band was Amazing!!  Such an enjoyable evening!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Some fun sailing too - it's not all racing!

We've also had some guests sailing with us.
Ken & Patty
We just drove across country with Ken - and 2 days after he got back (he drove back, we flew), he drove 4 hours to our house to go sailing with us!  Trooper!

Drinks after are always tasty!!

 and don't forget dinner too!!!
 We also had some local friends (chris' co worker) join us. We've had some really beautiful weather - so it's easy to enjoy it!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

More Sailboat racing!

Every Wed we are home, we are on our sailboat and having fun! 

 Lots of boats on the water each Wednesday for yacht club racing!

 Some close calls...

 Chris has had to get in and clean the bottom - it's been pretty slimy this year. 
 We have a good crew helping us on Wednesdays

 The weather has been ideal too!