Sunday, July 3, 2016

LA trip Day #5

Day #5 started off a little cool on our morning outing, but 45 degrees in CO is much warmer than 45 in New England.  We warmed up quickly!

 More Colorado beauty

 We stopped in Grand Junction and picked up Judy, another hot rodder!
 Some more light sprinkles on our way to Utah!
 Skies cleared up nicely; and we started making our pit stops for the photo shoot.  Our friend, Ken, is publishing a book of hot rods that he's built, so we stopped to take photos along the way.

 Started to get into the red hills

 Made it to Arches National Park; we stopped for a picnic.  Then a few of us stayed and hiked for a while

 We found some great hikes - wish we had more time.  We still hiked about 8 miles though.  A nice outing

 Then we kept heading on - to our stop of the evening - Monticello, UT.  Our first few days on the trip, we averaged 500 miles, but we started having lighter days, so Ken could take photos and we could enjoy the scenery.  So nice!!

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