Thursday, July 7, 2016

LA trip Day #8

Day #8 - actually going to be in LA at the end of the day!
Left Jean, NV around 7 am; another windy day, so top down again. 

 We got off the highway in Barstow, CA and drove Route 66 for a while - nice!!
 We stopped at an abandoned gas station for more photo ops :)

 Then we stopped at El Mirage - a dry lake where they do a lot of racing.
 More photo ops!
 The RB cars did a lot of drive bys  so they could get good photos

 Then the photographers jumped in our car, and we drove along side, so they could get even better pictures.  It was pretty cool!!

 Then late afternoon, we made it to Pomona, CA (LA suburb).
 We needed a couple parts for the cars, so we all jumped into the Phaeton, and drove over to Walden Speed Shop

 Pretty cool facility!!  They have a huge party on Friday night (kick off the LA roadster weekend)

That night, we met up with our Reno friends and went out to dinner.  No more dinners with the RB gang - but we would see them plenty at the roadster show.

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