Saturday, July 2, 2016

LA trip Day #4

Day #4, we left Nebraska and highway 80 behind us!  We ventured south on 70, and it was nice to see some mountains!

 We left our hot rod pack, and took  a couple side trips - this one up Lookout Mountain

 and this one to Idaho Springs
 So much beautiful scenery

 We drove over Loveland Pass  - wasn't sure the '37 was going to make it...

 some scary drop offs - I wasn't sure I was going to make it either!  Chris found it quite funny!

 Still enough snow to bring out the skiers!!


 and just down the road, some sailboats racing on a beautiful lake

Then we did a quick stop in Vail, CO, where they had some mountain games going on
 Crazy paddleboarders and kayakers racing down a raging Colorado river

We did catch up with the hot rod gang - just happened to have pulled off on an exit when the highway started backing up.  We were planning on meeting at a hotel later in the day, but a chance meeting on the highway was even better!

Dinner that night at a yummy Italian place in Eagle, CO
 nighty night

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