Wednesday, July 6, 2016

LA trip Day #7

Day #7 started early, since a few of us wanted to visit the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.  We were so close (only 60 miles), and none of us had been.

 Unfortunately, our friends got a flat tire, so they had to turn around, and meet up with the group who didn't come with us (they have a trailer, with extra tires, parts, etc)

 We are sorry they missed this - b/c the GC was Amazing!!  I lived on the west coast for 10 years - and never made it here.  Finally!

 Our friends, Ron & Terry had never been here before either.

 We only had one hour to spend here, so we could still catch up with our other friends, so we did just a couple short hikes.  Really nice & beauty around every corner!

 The lodge

 Sitting at the lodge and looing out - nice!!
 Short but sweet visit!
 Later that afternoon - on our way to Las Vegas, we stopped and put the top down. On the hottest & sunniest day of our trip!  But the wind was so wild, we thought we were going to be picked up and tossed around, so we had to put the top down.

 The dust storms on the way to Vegas were crazy
 No one really wanted to spend the night in Vegas, so we stopped a little outside - in Jean, NV.  Of course, almost all hotels in Nevada are casinos, so that's where we stayed too. We did have a nice dinner that night through.  Only had to drive 380 miles this day.

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