Monday, July 18, 2016

Wedding reception!!

I headed home over Independence Day to attend my nephews wedding reception.
He and his wife were married a few months ago in a simple ceremony.  My sister wanted to give them a little celebration - and this was the only weekend that would work!  Everyone is so busy :)
It was a casual affair - but turned out beautiful.  My nephew is still in college - getting his masters and his wife just started a job in Boston.

 Yum - cake!!!
 Waiting for dinner :)
 Me & Mom
 My nephew and his wife
 The Dad giving the toast!
 Cutting the cake (it was so good!!)
 A perfect crowd
 Pink flowers!!
 My brother and his wife
 The parents
 My niece and her boyfriend
 And the newlyweds :) It was such a nice weekend.  I'm glad I was able to fly back and attend.

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