Sunday, July 30, 2017

BYC Cruise Day #3

Next morning, we were up early and taking Bolts for a morning stroll

 Then we were off to Hyannis!  We had to motor through Woods Hole - a tight channel with serious current
 and a lot of traffic.  Has to be timed just right
 Some of the traffic was Very Big - Ferries to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket
 Beautiful views though
 We had another good day of wind  - but then we ran into a fog bank.  No fun.  Fortunately, it only took us 30 min to get through it, and we still had about 100 yards of visibility
 Back on land to enjoy Hyannis
 Then we met the BYC gang at a local park for another picnic
 Later, the fog came back, and hung around the next morning too.

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