Thursday, July 27, 2017

The wedding!

My ex co-worker's daughter got married!
Beautiful day and beautiful venue
Here's Pauline walking in :)

My other co-workers daughters were the flower girls.  They are So cute!!

 Loved the stain glass in the church
 The lighting didn't really help with photos though
 Nic & Tyler are married!!

 A group of us went to a local bar before the reception started.  We had an hour to kill
 Then it was reception time!
 Such pretty decorations
 Parents of the bride
 The bride and groom - looking amazing!  Loved her bouquet and the colors she picked.
 1st dance
 Our gang hanging out
 Aww, mom and daughter - so pretty
 Nic & Tyler were kind enough to take a photo with our table :)  Nic looks so much liker her younger sister here!
 Me and P!
 Yum - cake time!!!
 The flower girls had a heck of a good time decorating our co worker Keith
 Me, P, and Erin  Such a fun night! 
 I had to leave earlier than I wanted - so we could finish loading the boat, and arrange vehicles.  Back to the boat a little late, and then to bed.  All ready for a cruise to a new harbor the next day.

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