Friday, July 14, 2017

More sailing fun - this time a fun cruise with old friends!

A beautiful day - perfect to go for a nice cruise!  We've had good weather, but many weekend days, it's been too gusty or there's been too much of a marine layer to really enjoy the sailboat.  Finally a good day, so I'm glad our friends could join us!
 We had a nice cruise, then we stopped at Potters Cove off Prudence Island and took a dip.  The water was a little chilly at first, but you acclimated fast.

 Great day with friends!  Dave & I have been friends since Chicago.  Then he moved west to LA, I moved west to San Francisco.  He met Jen and moved to San Fran for a while.  Then they got married and moved to Boston.  And Chris and I followed them a couple years later!  Crazy how that worked!
 I think Caroline did a better selfie than Chris :)

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