Wednesday, July 31, 2019

1st birthday party

 It was Levi's 1st birthday party - Chris' niece Alexa's baby boy :)    Look what Grandpa made him -  a hot rod wagon!
 It was a hot day so Levi was mostly interested in playing with the ice
 Glad there was plenty of shade to get away from the hot sun.
 All sorts of fun things for the kids to play with - a slide and a pool
Levi liked sitting with his grandpa
 What a cake!  It was Baby Shark theme - Alexa really did a great job with the decorations.  I just didn't do a great job with my photos :)

 Time to smash his own cake

 He did a good job too.  Then it was bath time and nap time which he was more than ready for!
 A fun afternoon!

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