Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Off to Lisbon, Portugal - Day #1

 Just a 2 hour flight from the Azores to Lisbon - yay!   Our first stop was the rooftop bar at our hotel. 
 Then we wound our way to the water - our hotel was about a mile from the main section

 Lots of narrow streets and tile covered homes (very unique)    A lot of streets are tiled as well - (examples on later days)

 Found some neat artwork along the way
 The city is similar to San Francisco - with it's many hills; waterfront; and  April 25th bridge (pictures on another day)

 Main touristy area - lots of shops and restaurants & beautiful architecture

 We didn't stay out too long - it was still a travel day and we were tired.  It was nice to find a  greenway on the way home - reminded us of Commonwealth Ave in Boston
We had dinner at a local sandwich bar near out hotel.  Most everyone speaks English, so it's very easy to communicate and get around.

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