Monday, July 1, 2019

Azores Day #4 - last day!

 It was a cloudy rainy day, so we rented a car to see some more of the island.  We knew we weren't going to see much from the beautiful vistas but we still wanted to explore some more of the island.
 And we still saw some pretty spectacular views
 There aren't a lot of roads, so it's not hard to find your way around.  Of course, when you are driving up the volcanoes, and the view disappears, it does get a little more challenging :)

 We drove up to  Furnas

 The town is built around more hot springs!  There is a sulfar smell to the air, and the hot springs are through out the town  Bizarre!

 We then drove to Povoacao.  Every town is so picturesque.

 They actually had a small free zoo in their down town square.  Some birds, monkey's...

 We have a lot of friends who were born in the Azores and now live in the US.  Our one friend mentioned the small town he was born in - so we drove up to the village to take a peek.
 It was very small and sweet  The roads were only wide enough for one vehicle
 Church had just ended (it was Sunday), so we saw a lot of people walking home

 The street sign for his neighborhood - so glad we found it and sent him pictures!

 We continued on our drive around the island

 We found a place to hike.  Of course it started to really rain once we started, but we kept going!  (not surprising this island has rain forests)

One of our last stops was at a beach in Ribiera Grande.    We had a wonderful time on San Miguel and hope to come back soon!

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