Friday, March 25, 2022

BVI - Day 2

Morning rain kept us from going on a short run

But it passed quickly
Chris & Chris going over some final instructions.  The hotel was great - but quiet - we were the only 6 guests in attendance.  Covid is still hurting the BVI's
We met in the lobby and headed across the street to our chartered boat.
a hen and her chicks were scurrying around - the chicks were so cute!
Our chartered boat

the guys met the charter company employees to go over the rules and regulations.  And the 3 girls went grocery shopping.  June & Barbara are good cooks - so they picked out most of the groceries, while I pushed the cart :)
back at the boat - this is the outside living area
the main salon
and galley
the helm
we unpacked and quickly got underway!  We met at the boat at 8:30 am and left the dock around noon

it was very windy day - winds in the 30's, so we didn't put the sails up

 Beautiful scenery

and beautiful blue water

we motored to our first destination - Norman Island
there were quite a few boats in the harbor
the island had a few harbors - we grabbed a mooring in The Bight
Barbara was already cooking - so we had a lentil salad for lunch

then we took the dinghy and went ashore
there was a cute resort restaurant, with some beach chairs, and that was it.  It had been rebuilt since Hurricane Irma in 2017 (most of the resorts and many many homes had to be rebuilt).  The hurricane just crushed the islands - so sad.  We saw so much devastation from the hurricane - since it is a depressed area, it takes a long time to rebuild.

we stopped at the restaurant and made reservations for the evening
then we took a hike to the top of the mountain

amazing views

Barbara found a land crab :)

the 3 girls got in the water after our climb - it was so nice!
Then we took a dinghy cruise over to the 'caves'

it's a great snorkeling spot, but it was getting late in the day and we didn't have time.  Rumor has it that this area inspired Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island :)

back to the boat to get ready for dinner - our bathroom - so nice!
and our bedroom with sitting area

the steps going up to the main salon.  The window in the steps was so cool - the water was so pretty

 I didn't take my camera to dinner - but we had a very yummy dinner.  The employees take a boat taxi to work - no one lives on the island.  Interesting life

planning our next morning's route

perfect first day on the water!

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