Monday, October 14, 2013

Final day in CA

A soggy day - so we slept in & headed to San Fran!
 Supposed to have an America's Cup race - we sat on a sea wall near Crissy Field - along with many others :)
 The boats were out & about!
 But after waiting for almost 2 hours, they cancelled :(  At least we got to see the boats!
 So we enjoyed some more SF

 Then we met our friends, Cyndy & Jon & hung out with them for a while.
Washington Square Park :)
 me & cyn
 Later that day, we went to an Oktoberfest party - on a pier!

 Crazy crowds!  But I did get to see my friend, Stan (far right)
 Wowzer - quite a different party than wine tasting :)
 Chris & I headed back to our hotel around 10 pm.  Early flight on Sunday (6 am)
Too bad, my evening shot of the Bay bridge is blurry.  It was a beautiful sight.

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