Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Trip to California - day 1

Last September, we purchased a trip to San Fran & Napa through a Fundraiser  - 4 couples!  Finally it was time to go!
Day 1 we flew from Providence to San Fran.  The other couples headed to Carmel for one day.  Chris & I headed to SF to visit some friends.   I hadn't been back since 2005!  And I missed the city & my friends!

The Bay Bridge

 We met my friend, Mechelle, for lunch.  We used to work together :)  It was so good to see her!
 Love this city!  I lived here from 1997 to 2002.  Such a wonderful experience.

 America's Cup sailboat racing was in progress.  This day, they were only practicing, but it was still cool to see.

 Headed to Aquatic Park where I used to swim :)  Yes, it was cold - but still a great place to swim!

 View of the Golden Gate Bridge
 Dinner time!  We met my friend Cyndy, her husband, Jon, and our friend, Mark (who introduced me & Chris)
 Jon, Mark, Chris
It was a great day 1!  So happy to be back in SF.  Not sure how I ever left!

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