Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Funny CA pictures

Ok, this is why we laughed so much at dinner at MW.  This sign was posted by the pool in our (very nice) hotel.  Ummm    oh we laughed & laughed

Jon being funny at dinner in SF

Dave caught picking the figs from the tree that had a large sign asking to Not pick them...
Me & Joe - laughing at who know what

Linda being funny in the limo
 Love these next pictures of Rob & Amy

Chris- good to the last drop!!
 And here are some nice pictures:  Dave & Brenda
 Amy & Rob
 I couldn't find a picture of Joe & Linda - so here's a picture of Chris & Joe
 and me & Linda
Great trip - we all had so much fun & got along very well.  Check book is a lot lighter, but it was well worth it!

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