Thursday, October 17, 2013

Race of Gentleman - 2nd annual

We were up bright & early on Saturday morning for a nice run along the beach.  Then we headed over to the Starlux motel to see the race cars head off.

 They also had a motorcycle division racing.  Here they are - heading out to the beach!
 The cars & motorcycles all lined up & ready to race!
 Starting line - 1/8th of a mile was the distance

 Cool cars, cool location & warm sunny day!
 Motorcycles racing!  Guess who is on #69???  Rick from OCC!  He won this race
 And our friends, Richie & Ken facing off.  After both going 3-0, they were scheduled to race each other.  Ken ended up winning this one.

 They built a nice sand hill which was used a bleachers :)

 Later that evening, they had a bonfire & band on the beach.  The Boardwalk was all lit up.

 The bonfire burned out pretty early.  Ok by me - I was tired!
 Dinner with our friends!  Richie being Richie.  our friends, Jim & Bernadette also came down for the weekend.  And Bill & Mary.  Good times!!

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