Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Chris had business meetings in Boston, so I joined him
 Nice view from hotel room

 We took a nice walk before lunch

 Lunch at Stephanie's - one of our old favorites
 It was so nice to walk around the city - we lived here so long ago already!

 Chris had some afternoon meetings.  Then we walked to the Red Sox game.  It's nice when stadiums are in walking distance :)   When we first moved into our Boston apartment in 2005, we could hear the Rolling Stones playing at Fenway - so cool!

 Nice night for a game - and great seats!

Red Sox lost :( but it was still a good game.
Next day, I toured the city while Chris worked

 Boston Common

 State house
 Frog pond
 Storrow Drive
 Charles River Esplanade - where we did all our running & where I took Toules for his walks

 Sailing club

 These running paths were the best!

I always loved the garage roof top patios

 and the beautifully decorated window boxes
 Our old street
 Farmers Market - everything looked so good, but I didn't want to carry anything extra around with me

 I met Chris for a late lunch - and we headed home!

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