Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Double Dutch Regatta

Our yacht club hosted a racing regatta - aiming to get cruising sailboats involved.  It was a 2 day racing event - race to Conanicut Island on Saturday; spend the night; race back to Bristol on Sunday.  Sounded like fun, so we joined 12 other boats for the 1st annual!
The skipper meeting
 The race start -
 and we're off!  Since it was just a fun race - many people took their dinghy's and their race rating was adjusted accordingly
 Our friends, Scott & Gwen joined us for the weekend fun.
 There was a lot of wind on Saturday and we made the 13 mile race in just under 3 hours.  We were in 1st place for a while, but this boat passed us about halfway

 It was a little foggy at Dutch harbor when we finished.  Our friends, Sharon and Paul, were at the finish line too
 Time to relax! 
 The after party
 Awards!  We got 2nd place
 We walked to town after the awards in search of dinner

 Most places were packed, but we lucked into finding room at this bar
 We snuck, Lucky, in too.  No one ever knew...
 Next morning was a beautiful one.
 Ready to race again!
 There was barely any wind, so a lot of boats pulled out
 Our friends, in the blue power boat, coming to say hi, as we bobbed around in the water - waiting for the wind to appear!!
 We persevered, and the wind eventually arrived (after a long 3 hours)!

 We finished in 1st place! (the harbor was full of powerboats; sailing boats; and these cute sunfish)
 Post race bbq
 Nice view of the harbor from the yacht club deck
 We won 1st place overall too!  We got 2nd place on Saturday by only a couple minutes.  But we won 1st place on Sunday by 35 minutes, so the overall went to us! 

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