Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Youth Regatta

The sailing foundation I volunteer with hosted a youth regatta - 3 days of racing racing racing!  It was held at our local park.  They had a great beach for launching the boats, and a huge pavilion.
The first day - Monday - was very wet.  It rained all day long

 The kids still raced though.  There were 200 participants, from ages 10-16!  This is the green fleet (beginners) heading out.  They only went our for 4 hours.  The other kids raced from 8 am to 4 pm (and no, they didn't come in for lunch - just took a break on the water - hard core!)

 Dollies for the boats


 Starting to come in from the long day on the water
 We served pizza on Monday night.  The kids were wet, tired, and hungry
 Tuesday was better - more sun and more wind (too much at some points)
 We headed to the yacht club on Tuesday night where we cooked hot dogs & hamburgers.  Big crowd!

 Wed was even sunnier - but light winds, so it was quite warm
 We offered sundaes, and the line was HUGE!  That was the biggest hit of the regatta.
 and they enjoyed the awards too :) 
Busy and tiring 3 days!

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