Monday, August 27, 2018

Full weekend of little projects & a little fun too!

A few little projects to start the weekend off - bookcases!

Our office/library is coming together
Chris decided to tackle the tree root that is in the middle of the front yard.  It was actually a big project, but he did get most of it out.
And he also gave our patio furniture a new coat of paint

We had a little party at the yacht club one night

 Burgers & Blues!  Beautiful evening

 We got up early on Saturday morning to watch the runners in a local 24 hour race
 They all looked pretty good - getting close to the 12 hour mark.  The race started at 7 pm on Friday night and ended at 7 pm on Saturday night.  Some runners only did 6 hours and some only did 12 hours

 The course took the runners on a paved path along the water and through the park, and then a dirt path through the woods.  Each lap was 2.5 miles, so the runners were pretty familiar with the course by the time they finished
 They set up camp in case they needed a nap :)

 Beautiful venue for a race!
 Then we took Woodrow to a cars and coffee event in Newport.  This time it was at Salve Regina University - right on the water

 Our friend, Bob, joined us

 Bolts was a happy guy - rolling on the grass

 We took a nice drive after the event, stopped for breakfast and stopped to tour Castle Hill Lighthouse

 And on the way home, whew, we stopped at Newport Polo for some photo ops :)

 We went to another car show on Sunday - and met up with Chris' brother and friends

 Alexa & Levi stopped by too.  Bolts was hyper excited about Levi

 A nice way to end the weekend

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