Wednesday, August 1, 2018

BYC Cruise Day #7 - Cuttyhunk to Bristol

Long sail, but I didn't take many pictures :)  It was another beautiful day - we really had the best weather for our trip!!
We followed our friends Bill & Barbara out of the harbor & motor sailed for an hour.  Then the wind was good, and we were able to sail home!  We made it in 6 hours

 Mt Hope bridge!

 Fun times!
We cleaned & emptied our boat when we got back to Bristol - so glad we got home early enough to get it all done.

Poor Bolts - more corruption
 Home alone??

The yacht club had an island party when we got back.  We drove Woodrow
 everybody loved it!
 Party was fun & festive (too tired to take many photos).  It started outside for drinks & appetizers and we came inside for music and dinner.  A nice way to end the cruise week.

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