Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Chris' Maine Trip!

Chris and the gang met a couple more times before departing for their Maine cruise

There were about 18 boats scheduled to go on the cruise - everyone taking a little bit different route, but planning on meeting up 3 times during the 2-3 week cruise.  So they had some meetings to discuss routes, weather, etc. 

More conversations after the meetings.  Fun stuff!
A last minute meeting with some friends who were sailing by themselves
Then it was Go time!  They decided to leave on a Friday night at 11 pm.  We arrived before dark to help with last minute details
Marilyn was packing the food away
Chris was getting the lines secure (where you latch your life jacket to - I can't think of the name, since we don't usually have those on our boats (because we aren't that far offshore)

I hung out down below and watched all the activity :)

The gang before departure!

They had good wind the first evening and following day.  But then the wind died and they had to motor the rest of the way.  (almost 30 hours).  Chris said the motoring was no fun - slow going.  Marilyn sent me this picture of Chris at the helm - day #1
Then Chris sent me some pictures of the rest of the trip - lots of water :)

The no wind zone - the water was so calm looking
They had a couple issues:  an accidental gybe during the windy first evening broke the traveler (main sheet line)  Then a couple days later the head stay broke, so they didn't have a jib (front sail)  But they handled everything with ease - so nice to have the extra hands on board to help when issues like these happen
Land ho!
Camden, Maine
The gang - arrived Sunday afternoon
So beautiful - they spent the next couple days in Camden.  Then everyone except Alan & Marilyn caught a car ride back to Bristol
Chris did some working from some coffee shops in downtown Camden - cute town!  I am looking forward to visiting soon!

A cool waterfall right in town!

 Chris loved the experience!  He was especially happy to be traveling with others who were knowledgeable, so he could continue to gain more information.  Hopefully, we'll be taking our own boat north to Maine in the future!

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