Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Helping a friend with yard work

A friend is selling their house and moving to FL, so I offered to help her with some yard work (ie pulling weeds) to get the home ready for potential buyers.  Started the morning off with our workout at the yacht club - such a beauty of  a morning!  Then I headed to Sharon's house.  They have a really nice secluded back yard, even though they are in the downtown area.  It was a cool cloudy day, so perfect for weed pulling :)
Sharon did more of the 'sculpting' work like trimming trees.

I helped for about 3 hours, my other friend helped for a couple hours too.  Sharon & her husband spent a few more hours, but it was looking perfect when done!  She said they had neglected the back yard because of all their traveling to Florida.  Now they were in scramble mode to get their RI house sparkling.    She showed me all her furniture that she will be selling (hopefully with the home)

I love antiques - so maybe one of these may end up in our home... not that we have any room


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