Thursday, August 12, 2021

Ohio - Day #3

Up early & easy workout - fun bike around the campground, then a swim at the lake.  Sunny & hot!!
Then we took a drive to get some cliff blocks (we use these for nutrition on our runs).  We found a cool running store which carried them
The day passed quickly - then it was time for dinner!! We went into Delaware, OH - very cute town

Our restaurant for the evening

Home of Rutherford B Hayes!
Our friends that we met in FL live in Columbus, but bought property near Delaware, so they met us for dinner!  Fun to see them!
Then they drove us by their new home - so peaceful & beautiful! 

Then we went to visit our friend Tim's sister who lives nearby.  She has some very well trained German Shephards.  Good thing we didn't bring Bolts, they would have eaten him right up!

Fun evening meeting new people and seeing more of the area :)

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