Friday, August 13, 2021

Ohio - Day #4

Day before race - find a good breakfast place!  We drove back into Delaware

We found a little diner - super busy, but we did get a seat outside for Bolts.  Farmers Market morning, so the town was bustling

Then it was time to check in for the race.  2 transition areas (such a PAIN).  Chris decided to not race, so we didn't have to mess around with the shuttles (which are usually an epic failure (and they were...))

Quite athletes village - with Covid, there are less vendors, and they spread the athlete check in, so it's not overcrowded
Transition area 2:  we finish the bike ride here, and take off for the run - Selby Stadium at Ohio Wesleyan University

then we had to drop our bike off at Transition #1 - at the beach near our campground

Then we decided to drive the bike course.  It was mostly flat with some rolling hills over the last 10 miles.
Bolts was bored and rode around in the back of the Jeep :)
That was our day - and early to bed :)

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