Monday, August 2, 2021

Cloudy mornings can turn into sunshiney days!

Brrr- swimming in the outdoor pool at the YMCA can be cold!!  Especially on cloudy days.  But then a stop at our favorite coffee shop always helps :)

Then look - sunshine!  Chris is helping take a sailboat to Maine, so we spent an afternoon learning about the boat.   We arrived at the yacht club during the EBSF sailing classes - love seeing the kids on boats (or in this case, soon to be on boats)
Sea Rose is a Freedom 35 - it's a beauty!  Chris is lucky to have this chance

Some new electronics were installed, so they listened to the installer for any new changes
We actually didn't sail - but we did motor out into the harbor to test the electronics.  It was still a beautiful day to be on the water

Here, we have the kids in boats!  :)

There is a lot to learn on the sailboat - especially since they will be doing an overnight passage.  But there will be 5 people on board, and 4 of them have sailed at night

It's a beauty down below too!

 I won't be joining the group (have to do payroll, and it's not easy to do on a moving boat).  But there should be a next time..

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