Sunday, August 11, 2019

Deuce Day - Day #11 - OR to Reno!

 We started early - 7 ish, but Ray's clutch was giving him fits, so we stopped to get it fixed.  It took about 90 minutes.  Rich decided to keep going, so we said our good byes
 And we were off again!
 There are a lot of lumber trucks in OR & WA - this was one of many that we saw
 The drive didn't disappoint

 We did start heading inland - or else we would have needed a few more days to get home

 Gas stop - it was getting warm

 Another gas stop to clean the buggies!

 Mike was taking it a little slower as his brakes weren't happy.  So we waited a bit for them - selfie time :)  We all look pretty good considering how long we had been on the road!

 Getting closer
 Pretty spectacular sunset

 Getting dark
 Ahh!  We made it!  A long long day!  About 12 hours of driving (just a quick stop for lunch).  And then we stopped for dinner in Reno (at 9 pm!)  We were all pretty bleary eyed at this point.

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