Saturday, August 3, 2019

Deuce Days - Day 2: Grants Pass to Brookings

On Day 2, we split up:   A group of ours went on a jet boat excursion on the Rogue River.  They had an amazing time!  Chris had wanted to spend more time with Bruce, so we didn't make a reservation. (originally there was no dinner plans with Bruce)  So 3 headed to the excursion and 5 of us headed west.

 Our friend Tommy heard some weird grinding noise so we all pulled over to check it out

 I had gotten bit by a bug on the Friday that we left RI.  Now my arm had started to swell.  Fortunately we have Donna who is a PA and knows everything :)  I bought some allergy drugs she recommended & the arm was better in no time.

 They just did a quick check on the sedan and we were back on the road

 The noise wouldn't stop though, so we all pulled over again
 Can't fix it on the road - keep going

 We hit the redwoods, so we stopped to check them out.  Only Jimmy stopped with us.  The others went on to the Oceanarium in Crescent City.  They had a 2 year old to keep occupied :)

 The trees are just SO amazing.  Huge!

 Clover grows big here too!

 Soon we were headed on to Crescent City to meet up with the others

 Lunch break!  We met the gang just as they were finishing up at the oceanarium - good timing!
 Sea Lions

 1st Auto zone we saw we stopped.  Still tinkering with the sedan

 Still couldn't figure it out, but it was getting better.  So we headed north to Brookings & our hotel for the night

 The group that had gone on the Rogue River Jet boat pulled in soon after

 The gang was all together again!  (notice Chris in his chair - it's Giana's stroller :))

 Another fun night at dinner - the Black Trumpet I believe...  We did stroll over to DQ to get some ice cream later too.  What a way to end day #2!

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