Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Deuce Days - Day #7: Victoria, BC!

 Deer live near our rental home - and come out every morning and night.  We've seen mommas, babies and papas and we are not in a rural area at all!   Friday morning - early start and off to downtown Victoria to check things out.  A few of our group went on a whale watching trip, which they said was amazing, but Chris & I and a few others stayed in town.
 This city is so beautiful!  Love the buildings.
 1st thing - pick up registration
 Then check out the cars :)  Lined up and down all the streets.  The show is on Sunday only, but hot rods take over the town for a few days before and after the event
 Our friend from South Carolina - love the patina
 After we toured a little, we took a water taxi to Fisherman's wharf for lunch
 The weather was perfect - sunny and low 70's

 We get a nice harbor tour too

 Lots of fun restaurants to choose from
 and the houseboats are so pretty - with all the bright colored paints
 We walked back to town - looking at cars the whole way :)

 The host hotel always has a beautiful line up
 The Legislature building is so beautiful
 and the beautiful flowers are everywhere

 Even though we were full from lunch, we stopped to get some ice cream - with amazing toppings

One of the downtown buildings is getting rebuilt, but they are keeping the exterior.  It looks like quite the project
 The Empress hotel has an amazing greenhouse/conservatory
 and more beautiful flowers
 Now it's time for sangria!!
 and then a little more sightseeing

 Then back to the rental house

 to chill for a while
 What a lovely view from the deck

 Then it was dinner time!  We've got a big group!  Lucky we found a place to hold us all :)

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