Friday, August 9, 2019

Deuce Days - Day #9 - The car show

 Car show day!  Another perfect weather day - we were lucky!   Yep, and up early again :)  This time we parked the cars and then Chris & I went on a 90 minute run around town.  Finally getting some exercise.   The cars have to be parked early as they close the streets - and boy do they get busy!  With people that is.  Chris and I did our walk early before the crowds got too crazy

 They do a nice job of parking the cars all over town.

 Crowds start early

 Our friend Ron & Terry's car.  They drove it from San Francisco as it had some work done, but they usually drive it from west Texas.
 Peckerheads enjoying the show

 Our friend, Larry's car.  It got a lot of attention - what a beauty!  The tires were so WHITE, they gleemed.
 Nice parking in front of the Empress if you can get it
 Cars were parked on the lower streets/parking lots as well

 Our friend Tom got prime parking - He's the only one that drove a '32 and they give the best spots to them (it is called Deuce Days for a reason :)).  He also had to get up at 3:30 too...
 The water taxi's doing a water ballet show - with music and all - very cool!
 Our roadster looked pretty good
 The crowds of people!
 and the flowers make everything beautiful
 The show ended at 3 pm and then it was awards time.  I couldn't get close enough to get any good pictures of the winners
Then back to the house for a relaxing evening.

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