Sunday, August 28, 2016

A World Record at Bonneville!!

Another amazing trip this summer!
Chris headed west to Bonneville Salt Flats to race their Model A Gas Modified Roadster with a 4 cylinder motor (V4F)
Bonneville racing has been cancelled the last two years, so Chris & his friends were happy & eager to be back! They had made some changes to the car and had to wait two years to see how it helped (or hurt) their speed.
 Chris was the only driver this trip, but he couldn't have done any of it without his friends and their support and advice.
 The record they were trying to beat was 123.026.  Their first run, they only went 88 mph - carburetor issues.

 Waiting in line - lots of racers this year.  They were only able to make a couple runs a day, since the lines were so long (and at other times fixing issues)
 One pass, they did 122.999!  So close!  But then the water pump died.  So they had to fix that before they tried again.  But they were able to make an early run pass (best time to race) and ran a 123.763!!  The guys were So excited!  But then you have to take the car to Impound and wait until the following morning - as you have to back up the record.  They don't give you the record automatically with one pass.  You have to race twice in a row- where your average speed of the two runs has to have broken the record.  All record runs are repeated the following morning.  So if you do a record breaking pass one morning, you back it up the following morning.  It can be a long wait :)  They do give you 3 hours after your first record pass to work on the car and make any changes.  They guys thought about changing the gears, because they felt it could go even faster, but decided to leave it alone.

Sitting in impound!
 Beautiful morning to back up a record!

 So happy the salt cooperated this year! 
 From their first run on their first day - they decided to wrap the roll cage - so the wind would go around, and not drag.  It really helped them!  (see some of the pictures at the top of this blog)
 So they did it!  They backed up their record with a 123.306, so the record that goes in the Books is 123.534 - the average of their 2 runs!  They think they have more in the old girl, so hopefully they will be back again next year.  Unless they guys want to get something that will go much much faster...

Bonneville - is an experience you don't want to miss!!  I've been 3 times, and hope to get back for many more!

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