Monday, August 8, 2016

Canada Trip Day #3

Day 3 our of trip started out cloudy and cool.  Pretty common to have a marine layer in this area.
 We stopped by some antique shops - but it was a Monday, so most were closed

 We took some nice photos of the cars though :)
 One shop was open at least
 We did get some amazing coastal pictures though.  The low fog really made the photos!

 We stopped at a lighthouse to do some sightseeing and to take more photos!!

 The guys are always goofing off.  Made us laugh though - a Lot!!
My friend, Julie, got this great photo of Chris trying to put seaweed down Ray's back...
 We did hike up to this lighthouse.  It was a good hike - which we all enjoyed, after sitting in the cars so much.

 We got some great photos from up there.  The bridge that we parked near is way down there on the left...

Then it was time to get back on the road again

 We stopped for lunch in a cute seaside town
 The food was delicious, and the bartender would play the bottles...  a very neat tone they made.
 The cove across the street from the restaurant has year round whales living in it.  We saw plenty of spouting - but we didn't see any whales breach.
 A 'new' car had trouble starting.  So our '37 Phaeton helped them along by giving them a jump. 
 On the road again...  Our friend Julie took this cool photo of our car.  Love it!

We had dinner on the rooftop of this beautiful hotel.  (Thanks Julie for the photo).  Another good good day!!
We decided to only take 2 cars to dinner - so a group of us piled in the Phaeton!
 Rooftop dinner!
 The guys causing trouble again...

 Another stop - this time for ice cream!!
 Good treats - and a... monkey??  Yep!  His name was Elvis and he hangs out at the little diner by day and goes home with his family every night.  (hard to get a good photo, since the glass reflected back)

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