Saturday, August 20, 2016

And then there were 2 :(

I can't believe I did it - but I put our little monster, Pinto Bean, up for adoption - and someone adopted her!
So now, it's just Bolts and Twix.  A better dichotomy for our home - but I really miss that Bean :(
 They took this awful photo of her at the vets (and then uploaded it to their FB page).  It's not attractive at all - but someone still wanted her
 Another vet tech adopted her - so on her last day, I took lots of photos :)  She is such a love bug!

 Aww Bean - I hope you're happy!  I miss you, but I know you'll be happier in a home that can give you more attention.
 These two had no problem invading her space.  WTF Twix - you never lay on top of the couch...  They are probably worried they will be the next to go... 
Little Bean as a kitten:  birthday (not actually known) 8/1/11.  Adopted  8/2/16

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