Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Canada Trip Day #4

Day 4 was sunshine & blue skies!  Chris & I were up early and went for a walk to get some coffee.  We saw a lot of trucks hauling lumber  - a lot.  And we continued to see them for the rest of our trip.

We started off slow this morning - heading only a few miles down the road to an Air & Space Museum.  Julie got a nice photo of our crew driving in...

 This museum holds the Spruce Goose - a massive plane built by Howard Hughes.  It was so large - I couldn't even begin to get a full photo of it.

The guys loved checking out all the air and space stuff.  Some of the things we saw - Chris knows about through his job - so it was interesting to see them live.
We were at the museums for a few hours. Some of us took a break. Some of the others didn't want to leave...
 We did manage to get back on the road. We are still inland a ways - so we saw some farming.  A little different than our coastal drives.

 A nice pit stop in the woods
 Lots of bridges - every day we passed over a few
 Another pit stop - this time at the Tillamook Cheese factory.  It was pretty interesting watching them sort and package all the cheese.

 Then we took another pit stop - this time for some wine tasting.  Some cheese earlier in the day, and now some wine.  Too bad we didn't have them together...
 More photo ops for the cars :)

 And we are back on the coast

 More quaint seaside towns

 We took another pit stop - this one for a coastal photo op.  Yay!  We had missed it on Day 1 - so I was happy to get this photo.
 Photo of the Phaeton - and a group photo courtesy of Julie!
Our friends - Ray & Julie
 We did manage to make it to the hotel that night in Astoria, OR.  Rather than get back in our cars and drive downtown, we decided to order pizza, salads, etc and chill out on their beautiful property.
 What a view!!

 Chris was continuing to have teeth problems.  Fortunately, we had two dentists on our trip.  So they gave him a working over and he started to feel much better!!

 The rest of the photos are taken from Julie's camera - so much clearer!

 We couldn't believe we had this beautiful view from our hotel.  So lucky and what a wonderful way to end our day!

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