Friday, August 12, 2016

Canada Trip Day #7 - actually getting to Canada!!

We had to get to the Ferry very early on Friday morning

 It was a hurry up and wait kind of deal

 We finally boarded around 8 am.  Finally we started seeing some other hot rod colors - besides black!
 The ferry ride was smooth and uneventful

 Coming into Victoria harbor was pretty amazing though!
 We checked into our hotel
 and then did a little walking; and then had lunch! (Thanks Julie for the photo!!)
After lunch - we decided to do a harbor tour
 It was lovely seeing Victoria from the water :)

Then Chris and I took our own little walk around the harbor.  This is the 2nd busiest seaplane harbor.  These little guys were constantly coming and going!
 We walked over to the Fisherman's wharf area - and checked out the houseboats :)
We also made it to the Cruise ship harbor - this one was HUGE!

 And ended the evening with a nice dinner and good friends! Of course, the guys still acted a little crazy - all in good fun of course

 But I'm not sure we'll be welcome back to this restaurant anytime soon...
 The legislature building is all lit up at night and looks amazing!

 Victoria is such a beautiful city - only one day in and I was in love!

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