Saturday, August 13, 2016

Canada Trip Day #8 - Poker Run!

Chris and I were up early - and ready for a nice walk around Victoria!
Very few people were out and about - so it was nice to get a clean shot of the legislature building.
 So many flowers around town - so beautiful and clean!  But it is a seaside city, so there are a lot of seagulls which produce a lot of poop!  That was the only 'dirt' I saw around town.  Of course, in a big city, there are also the homeless too.  So it's not perfect - but pretty close!

 We had fun cruising around.  The city is very walkable, which is nice.

 Back to the 'car show area', we saw a lot of hot rods parked on the streets.  The official car show was on Sunday - but they lined the streets for days before
 We saw our friend, Bruce, who we had lunch with earlier in the week..

 Then at 10:00, the poker run started! We all met on a point just outside of town.  It was packed with cars!

 Pretty cool!  It took about an hour for all the cars to take off on the poker run
 The Peckerheads watching the show
 And the girls too!

 Our car ready to roll!
 And we are off!  A poker run involves driving to different locations and picking cards at each spot.  Best hand wins!
 Nice drive around Victoria - nice to get away from the downtown area

 No Miles here - it's Kilometers!
 Our driving directions

 Stopping to pick a card!

 The last spot - lunch!

 A lot of cars still here - but many had already eaten and taken off. 
 We didn't have a very good hand of cards - so we didn't win anything.
 We did see another '37 Ford Phaeton though - pretty cool, so we had to park side by side.
 Then it was back to town - traffic was a bear!
 And time to look at more cars...
 We soon decided that a pub crawl would be fun - so we headed off to some bars.  Not enough room in these carriages for the 10 of us - so we walked :)

 Lots of bars to choose from  - and we ended up having a nice dinner at one too.  A walk along the harbor looking at all the nice boats completed our day!

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