Thursday, August 11, 2016

Canada Trip Day #6

This day, we stayed in Port Angeles and did some local garage touring.  The local hot rodders put on a really good fun filled day! 

 Garage #1

 This one had an added bonus - the wife had built a beautiful garden, and allowed all the wives to venture through

 Garage #2

 This garage, besides having numerous antique cars, also had a huge 'garage' filled with hot rod paraphernalia.
Me, Cindy, Ciarra
 Garage #3 - actually a barn :)

 He also had a huge golf ball collection that he stacked into pyramids.  They had a contest guessing how many golf balls  - and my husband won!!

 There were some horses across the street, so I went over to say hi :)
 Stop #4 - no garage - just a beautiful inn and lots of lavender fields

 It overlooked the ocean - so we all had to take photos :)

 Some things that are very common in the pacific northwest - that are not common here - or most places:
recreational marijuana shops...  some states have passed laws that allow any use of marijuana
 WA - also had a zillion drive through espresso/coffee shops.  And another marijuana facility - they had some fun names...
So the typical Don't Drink and Drive signs are also paired with:
 We missed the last garage tour, since our 'wing' window had broken, and we needed to pick up a replacement at a local glass shop.  They did a great job with the window - but Chris still needed some adhesive to make sure it really stayed this time.  We visited a huge department store - Swains (they had everything - from Big Foot costumes to Hula dash dancers)

 Dinner that night was near our hotel.  The local hot rodders put on a really nice event - good food, and a lot of gifts.
 There was also a lot of talking - since these guys like nothing better to do than talk about cars... :)

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