Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Canada Trip Day #5

Beautiful morning - overlooking the Columbia River

 Then we headed out and over the long bridge that took us to Washington

 Yep, we are still driving across...
 Made it to WA - and we were still enjoying some beautiful views!

 We stopped along the water for lunch - and to celebrate Ciarra's 30th birthday!!!
 Good Mexican food!!  Happy Birthday Ciarra!!
 We had to drive all the way through WA that day, so we ate and ran!
 Started to get into the mountains!

 We decided to stop in Port Townsend, WA and walk around.  Just as we pulled into town, our friend, Gabe got a flat tire.  Fortunately there was a tire place around the corner, so we were 100% in no time.
 and enjoying the little town

 It was just a short hop to Port Angeles, WA where we stayed for the night.  So beautiful - mountains and water - hard to beat that combination!!
 The hotel parking lot was pretty full when we got there - more hot rods on the way to Canada!!

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