Sunday, August 7, 2016

Canada Trip Day 2!!

Day 2 started off with a marine layer.  A nice ride for all the ladies to breakfast!
 We ate at a very chic breakfast spot.
 Chris had developed a toothache - so we stopped at a pharmacy and got him some antibiotics.
 The drive up the coast was so beautiful - even with the marine layer.
 And later - the sun popped out!

 We stopped at a shop, and Troy was having a small problem with his car - they fixed it in no time
 We saw bridges every day of this trip - and they were all cool!
 Clouds were back - but it was a nice photo opportunity of all the cars on our trip.  All 33-34's except for our 37 phaeton.  We should have driven our 34 roadster....  it's black too!
 Another nice photo op spot
 We were driving along the Oregon dunes at this point.  Miles and miles of sand dunes along the ocean.  It was very neat to see - something you don't see too often.
 We stopped in a cute harbor for lunch and to visit the kite shop

 More of the dunes
 Our destination that day was Florence, OR
 We stopped at a local bar and had some drinks. Donna was very talented at taking group selfies!
 And the shenanigans between the guys kept coming...  a nice prophylactic on a milk bottle.  We all laughed so much - these guys are crazy!  It wasn't going to be the last time this lovely condom came out...  or the last time we would laugh.  In fact, I can't remember the last time I have laughed so much.  It was pretty much all day every day for 2 weeks.  That is Good Therapy!!
 After the bar - it was time for some ice cream!  And salt water taffy...  I just finished my gigantic bag yesterday.
And we took some beautiful views of the harbor.  This one was taken by my friend Julie.  She used a camera - and the water reflections were so much more intense than the photos I took with a phone.
 Hotel for the night!!  This was shaping up to be the best trip ever!!  We haven't spent much time with our Reno friends lately - just short weekends (and mostly just the guys getting together).  This was such a great opportunity for more bonding and laughs!

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