Monday, May 31, 2021

BBWWT Day #17, Moab Day #6

UTV rental day!  We met up with our other friends who had been 4 wheeling all week.  We rented a 'razor' and followed them for the day.  1st stop:  Hells Revenge!  Yikes.  It was as crazy as the name!
huge climbs right at the start!  Good thing these have good tires!
Our friends Tom & Cindy - drove their UTV instead of their Jeep

Our friends Jim & Sharon drove their Jeep (blue one)

Jim did all the challenges (we stayed on the main road, which was a challenge itself!)

Slickrock area

I'm so glad that I was in the back seat!

one of the big challenges - I forget it's name - Chris rode with Jim.  I have videos, but didn't download it here

The road is either rock, or rubber rock :)
Something called Hot Tub.  I don't know how anything gets in or out of that!  But according to the rubber, something does!   The big gang had stopped for lunch.  So we went on ahead as we didn't want to kill a lot of time.  Our rental was due back at 5 pm and we wanted to see other trails

After Hells Revenge, we drove to Hurrah Pass.  It started as a paved road (nice!)
It eventually turned to dirt, but it was still pretty smooth
water pit!  Chris & Troy took turns driving all day

Hurrah pass was much easier than Hells Revenge!  A lot dustier, but no need for hand griping!    Later we stopped at our friends camp ground for some cocktails

Our friend Jim, at some point during the day broke something (I can't remember).  They had it fixed pretty quickly.  But I'm glad we didn't stay with that group as we wouldn't have made it to Hurrah Pass


Saturday, May 29, 2021

BBWWT Day #16, Moab Day #5

Back to the Canyonlands and a couple short but amazing hikes

Troy & Donna are way up there!

The canyonlands are so amazing - you think that you're at the bottom of a canyon, and then there is another one that is 2000 feet lower.  It's crazy!

Dinner back at the campground - our other friends: Jim & Sharon, Tom & Cindy joined us
While we've been hiking - they've been Jeeping!

Lots of peckerhead talking :)