Saturday, May 15, 2021

BBWWT Day #4 Waco, TX

Up early and did a workout!  Then back on the road    More hurricane damaged roofs

Lots of hurricane insurance signage as well
Leaving Lake Charles, LA

and entering Texas!

Where we ran into some rain
lots of donut shops in Texas
and Whataburgers
and cows :)
This massive windmill propeller was 'fun' to drive around in Big Blue - yikes!

More rain
small country towns

a lot of Mexican restaurants too

Our stop for the next few days:  Waco, TX!  It was pouring when we arrived, but slowed to a drizzle shortly after arrival
Big Blue on lakefront property!  Midway Park - beautiful

Since it was a Friday night, and rainy, I suggested we tour the Magnolia Silos.  I know it can be super busy, so I was hoping the rain would keep most of the tourists away.  And I was right!
1st stop - the bakery!  Lines can be ridiculously long, but we only waited a few minutes.
So many choices...

It was still kinda drizzly.  But we toured the grounds anyway

They have added so much:  Silos, bakery, and multiple stores!  There is also a coffee shop, miniature baseball park, a handful of food trucks (which were all closed), and many places to sit and relax

We got to see it all! :)

Then we took a drive downtown.  Waco seems like it resides in the 1970's. So now it is very retro cool.  Love it!
Old signs are everywhere (as well as that yellow brown brick...)

We made it back to Big Blue and opened our cupcake pack.  Yum!
The sun tried to come out for sunset
What a day!!


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