Tuesday, May 25, 2021

BBWWT Day 12, but Day 1 in Moab, UT!

Today, we drove from the Mesa Verde area to Moab, UT

Lots of places to just pull over and camp

Moab - the outdoor mecca - you can ride your 'Razor's' and Motorbikes on the roads

Colorado River
our campground for the week!
We unloaded, waited for our friends Troy & Donna.  Then headed to our other friend's campground -about 9 miles away.  It was good to see these 'peckerheads!!'
Donna, Cindy, Sharon & Me :)
checking out the off road Jeep's. This one is our friend Jim's
We headed back to our camp ground before dark - saw a beautiful sunset

Our campsite with the Troy & Donna
trying to get our 'campfire' lit

 Good first day!!

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