Thursday, May 13, 2021

BBWWT Day #2 FL and beyond...

Waking up at the Lavender farm was quite lovely.  Bolts met the neighbors :)

The chickens laid some eggs for us

so we made yummy egg sandwiches
Then we were off!  We passed through Niceville :)
and along the water on the panhandle

bye Florida
Hello Alabama!

We stopped to check out the USS Alabama and USS Drum

B 52 bomber!

Stelth bomber
USS Alabama was very cool to tour

So much to see!
Those bullets!
Mess hall

Looking out toward downtown Mobile

Back on land :) 
Next up - submarine!

small doors

It was a very cool park to visit.  So much to see! You could definitely spend a full day here.
Back on the road - Mississippi!
and our harvest host for the night - Fort Bayou Brewing company

Great host, yummy beer and pizza!
Perfect combo for a long day :)


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