Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Big Blue Wild West Trip - Night #1

We've joined Harvest Hosts so plan to stay at farms, winery's, and brewery's along our route.  You can only stay one night, so we will stay in campgrounds every so often too.  Our drive was pleasant - around 300 miles for BBWWT first day.    We took the back roads, so we saw a lot of small towns with neat local establishments, but also a lot of closed ones

Logging trucks aren't just for the Pacific Northwest!
Once we hit the panhandle we could see damage from the hurricane Michael 2018.  Just some downed trees in this area - but it makes you wonder how bad it was = for there to still be damage

We were camping at Southern Grace Lavender Farm in Southport FL  It was down a dirt road
But so worth the drive!

They are fairly new to the industry (just started a few years ago, then the hurricane, then tornadoes...) But they are doing a great job!  1st lavender farm in Florida.
Fun games for their guests
Big Blue was happy

so was Bolts

I bought a few spritzers - smell so good!


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