Friday, May 14, 2021

BBWWT Day #3 MS & LA

Morning walk around the brewery grounds with Bolts
Then we were off!
Mississippi and Louisiana
Biloxi, MS

a lot of swamp!

Baton Rouge, LA
Mighty Mississippi!

We stopped at a small 'swamp' museum along the highway

Then back on the road and more swamp :)
Some cute road signs in place of swamp pictures :)

Then we hit the area that had the hurricane a few years ago.  Hard to see in pictures, but there are still a lot of trees down
and many roofs and buildings are being redone, still
Then we made it to our destination for the night:  Crying Eagle Brewery in LA.  Yay!

Cool place, live music, good beer, and yummy food!!

We parked in the back parking lot, which still filled up.  Popular place!  And worth it!


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